Darshan Academy Sundargarh conducted a 75 minutes meditation programme where all the teachers and students from I to X meditated 15 minutes for 5 days from 15 to 20th September 2021. Students from grades I to VIII performed meditation virtually and class IX & X 
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By taking quizzes, students get instant feedback on their responses. And this can help them identify areas they need to develop themselves and highlight progress for them to be proud of. In fact, this in turn can support a growth mind-set and foster the attitude 
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Paper craft is the easiest craft activity that students can do with fun and enjoyment. paper really is a universal craft material that most people have access  Under the guidance of the teacher using color paper and gum, our pre-primary and primary students made beautiful cows and cats out 
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 The students along with the teachers of DA, Sundargarh celebrated Pana Sakranti or Odia New Year, on April 14th,2021. They produce several types of drinks using various ingredients with the help of their parents and drank them with their family and friends on this auspicious 
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Every year, Mother’s Day is celebrated to appreciate mothers, who play an immensely important role in one’s life. This special day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May. This year it will be celebrated on May 9, 2021.  Mothers are selfless, shower 
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This is an activity for students where students used fruits and vegetables for salad preparation from home.  Students from Class-I – V beautifully decorated fruits and vegetables on their plates. It looked so beautiful after the decoration. It helped the students to improve their creative skills of decorating organizing things.   
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Teachers of the Pre-primary class sang Hindi rhymes by holding tomatoes in their hands and making the students understand how tomatoes are funny & interesting vegetables.   
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The sense organs are the body organs by which humans are able to see, smell, hear, taste, and touch or feel. The five sense organs are the eyes (for seeing), nose (for smelling), ears (for hearing), tongue (for tasting), and skin (for touching or feeling). 
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Introductions can be really fun though, and learning how to introduce themselves will help kids build their confidence, sense of identity, and feeling of belonging to a community. Our pre-primary teachers conduct an activity for students where students learned how to introduce themselves. In this 
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In Darshan Academy our teachers of primary conduct an activity from their Hindi chapters where students learned about Hindi Varnamala. Here in this activity students cut color paper in small parts in circle shape and write the alphabets of Hindi Varnamala on it. Then they paste the small 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "