On  January 26, 2024, the air at Darshan Academy, Sundargarh was filled with patriotic fervor as students, teachers, and staff gathered to celebrate the 75th Republic Day of our great nation.  Students and teachers gathered to hoist the national flag, recite the pledge, and sing the 
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The school was abuzz with excitement as students eagerly participated in the much-awaited Kids ‘O’ Festum celebration held on January 10, 2024. Festum, a day filled with joy, learning and creativity, brought together students, teachers and parents for a day of fun activities and camaraderie. 
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To absorb the entire celestial world like elixir, we embrace the life of profundity.                                                               
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Darshan Academy, Sundargarh celebrated Rajinder Week of Meditation and Peace, in honour of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj’s birthday.   As a part of this celebration, the dedicated Darshanites organised a visit to a special needs school for children with hearing impairment, ‘SARTHAK’, situated in the village, Bandhpali. Some snacks and 
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Let’s take some time out to pay tribute to all those who have sacrificed their lives. Happy 77th  Independence Day 2023.   Darshan Academy, Sundargarh, celebrated Independence Day, a red letter day in the history of India, when our country got freedom on August 15, 
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The world is watching the rare accomplishment of ISRO.   Darshan Academy, Sundargarh, arranged a special assembly on August 24, 2023, to honor the successful landing of Chandrayan-3 of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) on the south pole of the Moon at 06:04 PM 
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On June 22, 2023, Darshan Academy, Sundergarh, celebrated International Yoga Day. Through a virtual mode, students and parents enthusiastically joined the yoga sessions performed on the school campus by teachers and staff.  All of the students and teachers attended the occasion. The event began with 
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Graduation Day is an important milestone in a preschooler’s life. The school held a graduation ceremony on April 24, 2023, to honour the growth and development of the pre-primary little scholars. The day also served to recognize the motivated children for their excellent work over 
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Darshan Academy, Sundargarh, observed Darshan Kripal Week of Loving Kindness by way of Roti Bank. The primary goal is to motivate our pupils to help the less fortunate. This small giving is a way to teach kids to be thoughtful of others. We were elated 
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Darshan Education Foundation has celebrated its silver jubilee with the blessings of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. To honour the event, Darshan Academy, Sundargarh, held a Silver Jubilee with the theme, “Sparkling Souls Sharing Peace,”  relating to the journey of the Darshan Education Foundation’s schools. 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "